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ESG Management


BOD-Centered Management

As the highest decision-making body of SK ecoengineering, the Board of Directors (BOD) carries out ‘responsible management centered on the Board of Directors’. The composition of the BOD is designed to ensure the independence of the BOD and transparency of the management and to strengthen the BOD’s actual authority to supervise the activities of the CEO and management. In addition, we build a balanced board of directors taking into account diversity to respond to the rapidly changing business landscape as well as expertise to deliver tangible results. Going forward, we will continue to strive to earn the trust of our stakeholders and enhance our corporate value by strengthening transparent governance.

Composition of Board of Directors

SK ecoengineering's BOD is composed of one executive director and four non-executive directors as of January 2024, ensuring the independence and effectiveness of the BOD.

Table of Composition of Board of Directors(This table consists of Director name, Position, Term)
Director name Position Term
OH DONG HO Executive Director(current CEO of SK ecoengineering) Dec. 15, 2022 - Mar. 31, 2025
KIM JUNG HUN Non-Executive Director Jan. 1, 2024 ~ Mar. 31, 2026
CHAI JOON SIK Non-Executive Director Jan. 1, 2024 ~ Mar. 31, 2026
SEO DONG BUM Non-Executive Director Mar. 29, 2024 ~ Mar. 31, 2027
PARK KWANG CHUNG Non-Executive Director Apr. 25, 2024 ~ Mar. 31, 2027
Board Activities (Feb. 2022 - June 2023)
  • General Meeting of Shareholders, BOD, Governance
    • Resolutions (No.)
    • Reporting Agenda (No.)
    • Appointment of CEO
    • Convening of General Meeting of Shareholders
    • Revision of Board Regulations and Articles of Incorporation
    • Appointment of BOD Chairman, etc.
  • Investment and Planning Management
    • Resolutions (No.)
    • Reporting Agenda (No.)
    • Resolution on overseas investment, etc.
  • Accounting and Financial Management
    • Resolutions (No.)
    • Reporting Agenda (No.)
    • Approval of financial statements and operating reports
    • Redemption of redeemable convertible preferred stock
    • Establishment of internal accounting controls, etc.
  • Other Major Management Matters
    • Resolutions (No.)
    • Reporting Agenda (No.)
    • Approval of large-scale internal transactions with related parties
    • Safety and health plan
    • Management performance and business plan
    • Relocation of headquarters, etc.
  • Total
    • Resolutions (No.)
    • Reporting Agenda (No.)
BOD Operation Policy

As a privately held company, SK ecoengineering aims to engage in various businesses such as architecture and civil engineering, electrical engineering, industrial and environmental facility services, and overseas construction, and therefore appoints a board of directors consisting of five directors and one auditor to ensure independent decision-making for setting and implementing management goals. Given that the BOD is the final decision-making body for corporate management, we pursue diversity in its composition and operation to ensure independence, transparency, and diversity in line with SK's corporate philosophy and ESG management philosophy. We also make continuous efforts to empower directors to share their opinions and faithfully exercise their voting rights by encouraging them to attend BOD meetings through video conferencing.

Goals of BOD Activities

We are striving to enhance the independence, balance, and autonomy of the BOD through continuous improvement in order to accomplish the ultimate goal of SK's business activities, which is to create greater happiness for its stakeholders including employees. In 2023, we will mark the first anniversary of our establishment as a newly incorporated company, and we plan to consolidate an enhanced board-centered governance system based on reflection and evaluation of our activities in 2022. Moving forward, we will grow our corporate value through various activities to innovate governance, such as frequently publishing the BOD's activities and disclosing important management information on our website. For investment matters that will underpin our future growth, in particular, we seek to provide sufficient information in advance to allow for substantive review by the BOD to ensure that decisions are made in an appropriate manner.

BOD Performance

At SK ecoengineering, the BOD regularly convenes to conduct an informed and practical review of important business matters and receives reports on business status and performance on a regular basis, allowing for transparent information sharing and balanced decision-making. Notably, we are moving toward strengthening the expertise of the BOD by continuously providing information in advance on various management issues related to the growing overseas orders for hydrogen/eco-friendly projects, a new challenge we take on to seek sustainable development as an EPC company. At the same time, we are committed to ensuring the timely and faithful fulfillment of our board approvals and various disclosure responsibilities in compliance with the Monopoly Regulation And Fair Trade Act.

Table of BOD Performance(This table consist of Date, Agenda, Approval status)
Date Agenda Approval status
2024-09-26 Modification of Large-Scale Internal Transactions with Relevant Parties (products/services) Approved
2024-06-20 Modification of M Phase II Project Subcontracting Agreement Approved
Large-Scale Internal Transactions with Relevant Parties(products/services) in 2nd Half of 2024 Approved
Modification of Large-Scale Internal Transactions with Relevant Parties (products/services) Approved
2024-04-25 Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and Adoption of the Agendas Approved
2024-04-04 Approval of 2024 Safety and Health Plan Approved
Approval for change of Poland branch manager Approved
Redemption of RCPS and Appropriation of Retained Earnings Approved
2024-03-14 M Phase II Project Subcontracting Agreement Approved
Evaluation Report on the Operation of Internal Accounting Management System -
2024-02-14 Appointment of Chairman of the Board of Directors Approved
Audit Agreement with the Parent Company Approved
Subscription to Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance Approved
Approval of Financial Statement and Business Report Approved
Convocation of the 3rd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and Adoption of Agendas Approved
Shell F/S Project Subcontracting Agreement Approved
Report on Internal Accounting Management System -
Report on 2024 Business Plan -